

We are looking for an ILS/Nurse, pref reg to train AHA, must have PDP etc to fill a Field Representative position in a private game reserve near Kruger Park. 5 weeks on, 12 days off cycles. Medical response work should be a minority of what you do, but expect to be bombarded with stuff you probably have never looked at or been expected to do in any other job (capacity building etc). This is not a position to apply for 'just for fun' because working in the bush sounds nice. And it is not a traditional 'medic' role. We need someone self-motivated, able to think abstractly, excellent interpersonal skills, good communicator, prepared to have their thinking boundaries pushed sometimes uncomfortably hard (and enjoy it!). Please note: we do not pay overseas salaries, but are on par with local salaries with accommodation and meals thrown in. We are different and unconventional - if you are looking for the tried and tested, the same work as everywhere else but just in the bush, WE ARE NOT FOR YOU. Please be honest with yourself before applying!

Visit us on FB or visit our website for a better feel of what we are about (Africa Safe-T) and email recruitment@africasafe-t.com if you are interested in applying
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