
Director Disaster Preparedness Designs: City of Tshwane Emergency Services

Application Closing Date:2/5/2013
Remuneration:Scale: R442 104 – R575 292 per annum
Estimated remuneration package: R704 650.57 - 874 307.22 per annum

Appointment requirements:
An appropriate tertiary career-related qualification (3 year diploma or degree) in Disaster Management or equivalent qualification
Relevant experience at Senior Disaster Management Level within an Emergency Services/disaster management environment
Valid Code B driver's license
Computer literate

Personal attributes / competencies:
Negotiating Skills; Advanced Linguistic Proficiency; Business Acumen; Ability to do presentations; Leadership Skills; Technical Skills; Project Management Skills; Communication Skills; Analytical Skills; Organizational Skills; Budget Management; Proven track record of success at leading transformation; Extensive knowledge of the government and/or local government sector, with specific emphasis on legislation governing the sector and how this interfaces with other spheres of government; Ability in making high risk decisions of a long term and strategic nature; Ability and willingness to can cope to work anywhere within the regions CoT.

Management of community/ward based preparedness programs in terms of hazards, risks and vulnerabilities assessments
Management of public and private sector preparedness
Continuous events planning, coordination. Implementation and reporting
Supervision and Personnel Management
Financial Management
Professional Development

Contact person:
S Nkosi (012 358 2129)/E Malomane (012 358 4603)

SAP number:

Apply online: http://www.tshwane.drm-za.com/scb/details_Page.asp?ProductID=2626

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