
EMS Operations Manager , Doha

Minimum Requirements

EDUCATION: Minimum: STREAM 1 Bachelor's degree in Paramedicine or related pre-hospital field.
STREAM 2 Diploma or equivalent Paramedic Certification in EMS approved internal or external training program and subsequent completion of Medical Corporation EMS internal preceptorship.
Experience: STREAM 1 Demonstrable experience of 5 years in a supervisory role with responsibility for staff, resources and service delivery. STREAM 2 Demonstrable experience of 2 years in a supervisory role with responsibility for staff, resources and service delivery.
AGE: As per hospital policy only candidates up to the age of 49 will be considered.
LANGUAGE SKILLS: English, Arabic preferred

Job Specification

The Operations Manager is responsible for operational delivery of EMS services within their Service Delivery Area. This will be achieved through the development and implementation of Service Delivery Plans that match resource to demand and are consistent with the Medical Corporation corporate service delivery framework.
He/she is required to work with colleagues from the Operations (Production) Directorate to ensure that sufficient unit hours are available to meet operational demand at all times and he/she is required to work with the Operations Manager (Communications) to ensure that these are effectively distributed on an hour-by-hour basis. He/she is required to improve the quality of the service in their area as measured through existing and future performance indicators. He/she is required to ensure that his/her Service
Delivery Area is adequately resourced to meet exceptional demand due to Special Events , Multiple Casualty Incidents (MCI) and other major incidents. Finally, the Operations Manager is required to assume senior management responsibility across the organization where and when required.

1.To take delegated responsibility for delivery of EMS within their Service Delivery Area as part of the EMS Senior Management Team.
2.To develop and implement service delivery plans for their Service Delivery Area.
3.To develop participative relationships with internal and external stakeholders to inform the development of service delivery plans.
4.To collaborate with senior managers in EMS and Medical Corporation to integrate service delivery plans and ensure that these are consistent with both EMS and Medical Corporation corporate service delivery frameworks.
5.Within their Service Delivery Area, to work with colleagues from the Operations (Production) Directorate to ensure that available resources (unit hours) match demand for services.
6.To collaborate with the Operations Manager (Communications), to ensure that within their Service Delivery Area, available resources are efficiently distributed in accordance with the agreed service delivery plan.
7.To achieve and maintain operational performance against existing and future performance targets.
8.To improve the quality of the service as measured through existing and future quality indicators.
9.To review performance within their Service Delivery Area with the EMS Senior Management Team and present regular performance reviews to the Executive Team and other stakeholders within EMS and Medical Corporation.
10.To ensure that their Service Delivery Area is prepared and adequately resourced to manage multiple casualty incidents (MCI) and other major incidents.
11.To collaborate with the Operations Manager (Special Events), to ensure that their Service Delivery Area is prepared and adequately resourced to manage increased demand for services arising from special events.
12.To contribute to the development and implementation of service-wide policies and procedures, and those applicable to their Service Delivery Area alone, in collaboration with colleagues in other departments within EMS and Medical Corporation.
13.Within their Service Delivery Area, to ensure the timely investigation and response to complaints and queries in collaboration with colleagues in other departments within EMS and Medical Corporation.
14.Within their Service Delivery Area, to monitor and improve compliance with EMS and Medical Corporation corporate policies and procedures.
15.To ensure that their Service Delivery Area is compliant with accreditation schemes identified by Medical Corporation, including, but not limited to, Joint Commission International (JCI).
16.Within their Service Delivery Area, to intervene in grievances and disputes within where appropriate, and where possible, achieve resolution.
17.Within their Service Delivery Area, to define and agree clear objectives for each staff member to ensure that they understand their roles and responsibilities within the service, and to measure their performance against these objectives as part of the annual appraisal process.
13. To participate in the senior manager on-call system providing senior management across all Service Delivery Areas and areas of responsibility after hours.
14. To ensure that there is adequate senior management availability within their Service Delivery Area at all times.
15. To act in a senior tactical role (Silver Officer) in the event of a mass casualty incident (MCI) or other major incident.
16. To undertake project management as required by the Assistant Executive Director: Operations (Distribution).
17. To deputise for the Assistant Executive Director: Operations (Distribution) when required.
18. To accept responsibility for own personal and professional development and undertake such programmes as required.
19. To develop business cases for new projects and as part of the annual budget preparation cycle.
20. To contribute to the development of annual budgets for manpower, capital expenditure, operating expenses through the development of business cases for investment within their area of responsibility
21. To ensure that expenditure is maintained within budget through efficient and effective management of area of responsibility

Problem resolution within delegated authority levels.
Co-ordinating with other Managers as required

The post holder will contribute to the development of annual budgets for manpower, capital expenditure,
operating expenses and new projects by developing proposed budgets for their Service Delivery Area.

EMS Managers

EMS Assistant Executive Director: Operations (distribution)
Medical Corporation ED Managers
Representatives of other public safety services such as Civil Defense, Police and Internal Security Forces

Apply here:

N: Annemie de Lange
T: +27 82 574 0341
E: apply@gmrecruiting.com
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