
Lead Medical Trainer - Mali

Employer:Olive Group
Location:Tombouctou, Mali
Job Code HC/JC/524/2015
Position  Summary
The opportunity Rebuilding the Malian Armed Forces (MAF) medical capabilities is an
important part of improving Mali’s ability to manage security threats, contribute to national stability and respond to civilian health needs. The MAF requires better resources, infrastructure qualified personnel and institutional processes to enhance its ability to perform medical responsibilities, ensure the health of its force and improve readiness to respond to national threats. This project will focus on improving the medical, allied health, technician, medical administration, other medical support staff, and troop basic medical capacities across a number of training and advising areas. It will also focus on improving the medical infrastructure of the MAF through: · Establishment and management of a Medical Technical Training School · Conducting a Medical Capability Assessment of the military hospitals and clinics · Establishment of medical warehouse facilities · Development and delivery of combat lifesaving training courses provided in up to twelve locations around Mali to MAF troops · Development of train the trainer courseware in combat medic and combat lifesaving functions and delivery to MAF selected trainers · Training and mentoring of the medical operational planning staff and improvement of capacity in medical hospital operations Key
Highlights: ·
Minimum three years international military training experience · Minimum two years’ experience leading military medical training projects in Sub Saharan Africa · Demonstrated ability to lead other medical and medical operations trainers and developing instructional related products for medical training · Bachelors’ degree in education and ten years’ experience in military training development and delivery with an emphasis on medical and health strongly preferred · Experience operating in hostile and austere conditions · Fluent French language skills (Spoken/Written) · Experience in Mali Preferred · Ability to operate in austere conditions – excellent health

Position Description: The Lead Trainer shall assist in overseeing all elements of training programs. The lead trainer helps to define and maintain training curriculum for host country participant students, and designs metrics to report on training program and impact. The Lead Trainer provides input and guidance over the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of all training and support materials. The Lead Trainer compiles lessons learned for each training session. Defines and facilitates the training logistics. The Lead Trainer builds and maintains a repository for deliverables, approaches, and lessons learned Education and experience: In addition to the key position highlights listed above, the Training Lead must be fluent in reading and speaking French, and must have at least two years of experience training militaries in sub-Saharan Africa. Fluency of language shall be demonstrated by either test scores, years speaking language in countries of origin, identification of native speaking history, or some other credible means. The Lead Trainer shall have at least two years of experience in conducting military-related training and demonstrated ability to lead other trainers and develop instructional-related products. Must be in excellent health and able to perform under austere conditions with high temperature.
How to Apply

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