
Paramedics - City Of Johannesburg Metro

Recruiter:witsridge Group
Location:City Of Johannesburg Metro, Gauteng
Salary:Salary Negotiable

AA/EE opportunity?:Yes

Paramedics wanted to provide patients that have been involved in accidents, emergencies or other crises with specialist care and treatment. To practice as a paramedic, you must be registered with relevant Health Council in South Africa. Typical duties of the job include: driving and staffing ambulances and other emergency vehicles; responding to emergency calls, assessing patients, providing emergency treatment and making diagnoses; monitoring and administering medication, pain relief and intravenous infusions; dressing wounds/injuries; using specialist equipment, transporting patients to hospital and continuing to provide treatment while in transit, providing hospital staff with patient information including condition and treatment, helping provide patient care in hospitals and other medical facilities etc.

Fax your CV to 0864973307

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